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Art Project: TransFORMATION - Birthing of a Woman

Sep 17, 2024

4 min read

Maja first reached out to me several years ago wanting to make brand photos for her Instagram page. We did it, they were beautiful and she used them for a few years, surprising me again and again with how timeless they were. Maja and I connected deeper than what you would expect from client relationship and subtly stayed in touch following each other’s path and in 2024 she chose me as her coach to help her with her transformative journey program for women. Over the years Maja has changed a lot. We all do over time, but Maja is still to this day openly sharing her experiences on Instagram and the bits of her personal transformation and day to day life. 

Everyone following her is invited to witness, get insights, recipes, advice, inspiration and follow her on her journey. She stands for kindness, femininity, transparency, intuition, spirituality, minimalism, boldness, health, wellness and prosperity. Maja is one of a kind. She talks about money and marriage, essential oils, relationships, business in network marketing, clean eating, raising her son and the pain she has gone through due to his sickness over the years. It was her son’s unexpected health condition that was discovered amidst hardest lockdown in 2020 that triggered her transformation.

The Awakening

A lioness sleeping in each and every single one of us women woke up inside of her with a roar shaking up the mountains and drawing strength from her ancestor line. It rocked her world and Maja rocked it back. Her transformation wasn’t loud and angry. She found her inner well of strength and started sipping from it daily. Sip by sip Maja was making changes necessary to provide a healthier life for herself, her son and her family, taking us all in. Or at least, whoever was willing to watch and truly see, and grow over their own triggers. Because her way, the way of the lioness is triggering. It attracts you, it enchants you and it throws rocks into your still waters.

Maja lives a life many don’t even dare to imagine. She became an educator, a leader, an intuitive coach, abundantly and wholeheartedly sharing her knowledge with anyone willing to work their ass off and walk the change they desire, no longer seeking excuse why it’s not possible for them. She is a well of inspiration if you dare to follow along and look deep into your own being, your own heart and soul and allow the hardships of positive transformation shape your world too. 

This is how I came to the idea for this photoshoot. I wanted to make an art photoshoot with Maja showing three phases of her own transformation. Before the change, during the process, and the result. I called it TransFORMATION: Birthing of a Woman. 

The transformation itself has no beginning and has no ending, for the journey of life is a continuous path through lifetimes and timelines. Even though some things may act as triggers or starting points, the seeds of all possibilities exists in us always. To explain it easier and put it on a timeline, we say before, during and after to mark certain events in our life. 

Process of changing ones life can be visible on the outside, but only the individual knows what is going on inside the heart, mind and soul of their being. Often, we lack words to fully describe it. As an artist, I wanted to tap into the vortex of it and capture not only the before and after as it is, but the untouchable - the feelings. The states. The process. 

Maja’s transformation was the one of trust in God, surrender, acceptance, commitment to the Path and living her Truth, deeply, consciously and daily, and sharing her flame with others who needed light on their own way. That way she became the true leader. 

The Artistic Vision

Maja before is not much different, but a whole world apart. She is beautiful, living a good life, surrounded by good people, slowly growing through her work. She is having a hard time confronted with her son’s diagnosis, but standing tall, persistent, doing what she knows best at a time given, having faith during the good days and having hope during the bad days. She is in fear, with remorse making her feel like a victim to the circumstances. This is where I envisioned a crown of branches. It symbolises her being strong and brave, but the crown itself is cold, empty, bare and gloomy for her own inner light is not lit up. This is shown with an extinguished candle on the top of her head. She is the queen of her own kingdom, but alone in her darkness and loneliness. 

The lioness within starts to wake up and the whisper becomes a scream. Once heard it cannot be unheard anymore. Slowly, she begins to open her heart. She unravels a new story letting the old, discarded skin become one with earth, once again. 

Her flame lights up. Her heart opens. Her connection to God becomes unshakable. She is awakened, born anew. Maja is aware of the light she carries within and the strength transformed into passion to share her discoveries, insights and knowledge with others. She embraces her feminine flow; her intuition, playfulness and creativity leading the way.

The Ultimate Love Story

This is a story about love. A story about how to love yourself through God’s eyes, hands and ears and walk the journey of dedication, surrender and own power. All in one. 

Here’s an excerpts from a mood board I’ve sent to her explaining my vision:

“It's not just about the light. Both light and darkness are part of a unique whole and I would not strictly separate one from the other. We're not going to tell a story where you're crying before and laughing later. The line is thin, and through your recollection and remembrance (embodied) with my instructions and conversation, as well as preparation through this mood board - I would like to explore those areas through my camera. My goal is not to create a certain type of photos (preconceived), but to dance with you in a process in which we will both undergo (remember of!) a small rebirth.”

I hope you enjoy these images we created as much as I did. Let me know your thoughts down in the comments.

You can find Maja on Instagram @maja.pogacic and you can see the full gallery on my portfolio page or by clicking here.

Thank you for reading. 



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Your vision came to you straight from the Source. God gave it to you for a reason. Follow it.

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